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Filter brewing guide

Filter brewing guide

July 18, 2024

What brewing ratio should I use?

We recommend a brewing ratio of 6g of coffee for every 100mL of water. You can adjust this ratio to your preferred beverage size. Not only does this allow you to brew a balanced and strong brew, it also allows you to get great value out of your bag of beans. 6g divides into your 250g bag with very little waste.

What equipment is worth investing in?

Other than a grinder, of course, it’s best to invest in a scale (best to have a timer built in), kettle, preferred brewer and cleaning supplies. A kettle can be skipped if you prefer to use a machine brewer. Brewing at home should be easy and repeatable. These all help to achieve this. Weighing your coffee and water is one of the easiest ways to get repeatable results at home. Look for a large spout and fast flow rate kettle for an immersion brewer and a narrow spout and low flow rate kettle for a percolation brewer. You may need to try a few different brewers but a v60 is versatile and easy to find filters for. Properly cleaning your equipment on a regular basis will allow for you to keep having an easy time brewing. Take care of your equipment and it will take care of you.

Recommended Course: Brewing Essentials 

What’s a good basic recipe for an immersion brewer?

Grind size: between the size of white sugar and sea salt. Adjust the grind size to your flavour preference. Bitter flavours in your brew mean you should grind courser. Too much acidity or a flat brew mean you should grind finer.

Water temperature: 95oC or approximately 1 minute off boil

Ingredients: 21g of coffee and 350mL or water

Process: Follow this process with any immersion brewer: french press, steep and release, etc. 

  1. Add the filter into your brewer, if applicable, and pour some hot water into your brewer to warm up it, then get rid of this water.


  1. Put ground coffee into the brewer, add the whole amount of hot water at once and start your timer as the water first touches the coffee.

  1. Stir your brew slurry 10 times, back and forth, to encourage an even extraction.

  1. Leave it for 4 minutes.

  1. Filter the brew in accordance with your brewer. 

  1. Serve the whole brew, don't leave some in contact with the brew bed to avoid over-extraction.

What’s a good basic recipe for a percolation brewer?

Grind size: between the size of white sugar and sea salt. Adjust the grind size to your flavour preference. Bitter flavours in your brew mean you should grind coarser. Too much acidity or a flat brew means you should grind finer.

Water temperature:95oC or approximately 1 minute off boil. You may not have control over this with a machine brewer.

Ingredients: 15g of coffee and 250mL or water. It’s important to consider that your grind bed depth is a key parameter to an even extraction. Aim for a bed depth of approximately 1-2  inches.

Process: Follow this process with any percolation brewer: v60, machine brewer, etc.

  1. Add a filter into your brewer, rinse it with hot water so that it won’t add off-taste of paper, then get rid of the used water.

  1. Put ground coffee into the filter and distribute it evenly inside the brewer.

  1. If you’ve chosen to go with a machine brewer, it’s time to press the “brew” button. Otherwise continue and be prepared to start your timer as the water first touches the coffee.

  1. Pour 50g of water, striving to wet all the coffee inside, give it a swirl to insure to wet all the coffee

  1. After 45 seconds, add half the remaining water slowly, 100g in this case.

  1. Once the water drains to a level a little above the grind bed, add the remaining water.

  1. Wait for the water to drain completely before disposing of your filter and spent grounds and keep record of that time, drawdown time.

Time: Your goal drawdown time should be around 2.5 and 3 minutes. A smaller brew should drawdown faster and vice versa for a larger brew. You may find that with larger machine brewers you can brew with longer brew times of 5 to 6 minutes without perceiving bitter flavours. The easiest way for you to adjust this drawdown time is with your grind size.

Recommended Course: Alternative Brewing Methods